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Journal articles

Please reach out for work you'd like to read but cannot access. I would be happy to share any of my work.


Book chapters

  • Loong, S. (2024). War and geography. In Warf, B. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Cham: Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25900-5_316-1 [link]

  • Connelly, A., and Loong, S. (2023). Conflict in Myanmar and the international response. In Huxley, T., and Kuok, L. (eds.), Asia Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2023, London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, pp. 138-159. [link]

  • Loong, S. (in press). "As a Karen, I have no leader": youth, conflict, and generational change in Hpa-An, Karen State. In Myanmar's Changing Political Landscape: Old and New Struggles.

  • Loong, S., Hsar Doe Doh Moo, and Palmano, C. (in press). With what we have saved, not what has been taken from us: how indigenous Karen communities conceptualise peace through the Salween Peace Park. In Chambers, J., Gravers, M., and Walton, M. (eds.), Ceasefire Aspirations and Anxieties Among the Karen in Myanmar, Copenhagen: NIAS Press.





I write online to make my research accessible, including to those I have worked with. I am also a volunteer editor for the Tea Circle, which is housed at the University of Toronto.


Mutraw, Kawthoolei, 2019

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